非公開求人/【財務】Financial Investment Manager/資産運用マネージャー/外資系総合商社の求人/※香港勤務【財務】Financial Investment Manager/外資系総合商社

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非公開求人/【財務】Financial Investment Manager/資産運用マネージャー/外資系総合商社の求人/※香港勤務【財務】Financial Investment Manager/外資系総合商社

※香港勤務【財務】Financial Investment Manager/外資系総合商社




非公開求人/【財務】Financial Investment Manager/資産運用マネージャー/外資系総合商社

■Management and operation for financial assets in Cornes Japan
① Asset allocation recommendations for Cornes liquid portfolio based in Japan
②Investment Manager will be based in HK with travelling to Japan
③Report directly to CFO in HK
④Selection of third-party managed fund products or other lower-risk liquid securities (e.g. interest rate products) or liquid structured investment products for the portfolio
⑤ Majority of the portfolio will be allocated to third-party managed funds within the Japanese market
⑥Direct trading of fixed income, foreign currency deposits and/or a small number of plain vanilla equities (conservative low-risk bonds and stocks), mainly within the Japanese market
⑦ Maintain relationships with brokers and banks in Japan
⑧ Trade and invest within the financial restrictions set between the Japanese financiers and Cornes
⑨ Agree on an investment mandate with CFO in HK and CFO in Japan
⑩ Work closely with the Finance team in Japan and HK for trade support, settlement and reporting
⑪Compile weekly investment portfolio updates, monthly reports and quarterly reports in English for the CEO and CFO. Reporting will be supported from the HK operations team also.


会社名非公開求人/【財務】Financial Investment Manager/資産運用マネージャー/外資系総合商社
メインキャッチ※香港勤務【財務】Financial Investment Manager/外資系総合商社
仕事内容■Management and operation for financial assets in Cornes Japan
① Asset allocation recommendations for Cornes liquid portfolio based in Japan
②Investment Manager will be based in HK with travelling to Japan
③Report directly to CFO in HK
④Selection of third-party managed fund products or other lower-risk liquid securities (e.g. interest rate products) or liquid structured investment products for the portfolio
⑤ Majority of the portfolio will be allocated to third-party managed funds within the Japanese market
⑥Direct trading of fixed income, foreign currency deposits and/or a small number of plain vanilla equities (conservative low-risk bonds and stocks), mainly within the Japanese market
⑦ Maintain relationships with brokers and banks in Japan
⑧ Trade and invest within the financial restrictions set between the Japanese financiers and Cornes
⑨ Agree on an investment mandate with CFO in HK and CFO in Japan
⑩ Work closely with the Finance team in Japan and HK for trade support, settlement and reporting
⑪Compile weekly investment portfolio updates, monthly reports and quarterly reports in English for the CEO and CFO. Reporting will be supported from the HK operations team also.
応募資格■Required experience
①5+years experience in tradings of fixed income, other liquid securities and treasuries such as foreign currencies with asset allocation and products screening experience for the Japanese capital markets.
② Ideally trained from a major financial institution (e.g. insurance company/ pension asset company/ wealth management advisers/ bank) or investment trading at larger non-financial corporations.
③Solid fundamental analytical skills with proven track record through at least one economic cycle (good and bad markets)
④ Conservative investment style, comfortable with plain vanilla "not high risk" investment strategy and products
⑤ Good interpersonal skills - frequent interactions with Cornes Japan staff, brokers, banks in Japan and head office in HK
⑥ Fluent in both English and Japanese
⑦ Willing to be based in HK most of the time and travels to Japan when COVID-19 subsides。
待遇/福利厚生賞与年2回 住宅手当
その他募集ポジション:【財務】Financial Investment Manager/資産運用マネージャー/外資系総合商社


求人取り扱いエージェント紹介管理部門・士業におすすめしたい転職サービス No.1(※) ~資格勉強中でも利用OK!中長期的なキャリアサポートがご好評いただいています~ 【MS-Japanの3つの特徴】 1.掲載求人数14,000件超 管理部門・士業の掲載求人数は業界トップクラス!独自の非公開求人も多数取扱い 2.管理部門・士業特化で30年以上 圧倒的な転職支援実績とノウハウ、企業リレーションで最適な求人をご紹介 3.特化型ならではの専門性 それぞれの職種・資格に精通した専属アドバイザーがキャリアを徹底サポート 【取扱い職種・資格】 ●管理部門…経理、財務、人事、法務、経営企画、内部監査など ●専門事務所…会計事務所、法律事務所、特許事務所、社労士事務所など ●士業・資格…公認会計士、税理士、日商簿記、弁護士、弁理士、ビジネス法務検定、社会保険労務士、司法書士、行政書士、司法試験受験者など (※日本マーケティングリサーチ機構調べ(調査概要:2023年5月期_ブランドのイメージ調査)
企業PR本文株式会社MS-Japanの取り扱い求人に応募いただくと、株式会社MS-Japanからメッセージやメールが届きます。 株式会社MS-Japanの転職支援サービスを受けるにあたり、一部の会員情報について再登録が必要となる場合がありますので、案内に従ってご対応ください


